Being full of the cold I took some pictures of some flowers in the back garden and they all came out less sharp than usual: a bit like how I am seeing the world just now - everything is just a little hazy.
The first rose to bloom this year: Rosa 'Etoile de Hollande' : I planted this climbing rose as a bare root plant from Aberdeen in February 2013 and this year it has three blooms on it.
This is beautifully scented but my nose is bunged up. C'est la vie, or should I say La Vie en Rose?
Spanish Poppy, Papaver rupifragum: this flowers for about a day but fresh flowers keep coming all through the summer if I keep dead-heading.
Red Campion, Silene dioica. I'm not clear why I am in love with Red Campion, but I am.
Masterwort, Astrantia major. I'm not clear why I am in love with Masterwort, but I am.
Honeybells, Nectaroscordum siculum, is a member of the onion family, Alliaceae. Now in its second year in this garden.
I am also in love with white foxgloves - majestic, ghostly and so wonderful for bees - Digitalis purpurea 'Alba'.
The straight native foxglove is also a love of mine: Digitalis purpurea.
Indeed, I can't see myself ever having a garden without them.
Phacelia tanacetifolia is a plant often grown as a green manure. I sowed it in my first summer here and it has self-seeded itself since. As well as feeding the soil this plant feeds the bees - so what is not to love?
One of the first geraniums to flower in my garden is Geranium nodosum. Is it me or is the plant that has changed since last year? For although the flowers are small, I am loving it this year too.
Too much love? I can't seem to be able to help myself.
This really is hazy or fuzzy - isn't it? This is Thalictrum aquilegifolium.
And now I am wearying - away to feel sorry for myself in my sick bed but I shall try and keep those hazy pictures of those flowers I love somewhere to the forefront of my mind.
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